Basic Usage

Basic Usage

Create a new directory and open a command prompt or a terminal.

First, run npm i @n-f9/quack.js to install the package. Also, it would be a great time to install dotenv with npm i dotenv to store your Discord bot token (this is optional, however, recommended).

Next, open your favorite code editor or IDE and create a source directory with an index.js in the root

Example Project Structure

├── commands/
│   ├── quote.js
│   └── help.js
├── events/
│   └── ready.js
├── triggers/
│   ├── links.js
│   └── mentions.js

The index.js should follow this format

import 'dotenv/config'
import { QuackJS, QuackJSUtils } from '@n-f9/quack.js'

const Quack = new QuackJS(process.env.TOKEN, {
  backups: [
      file: 'database.sqlite',
      scheduling: '0 0 23 * * *'
  logsFolder: true,

const files = QuackJSUtils.GetFiles('./src')

for (const file of files) {
  const execute = (await import('./' + file)).default


And your modules in your source directory should follow this basic format

export default (QuackJS) => {

To start the bot simply run node . or if you want to run this in the background you can install something like forever.

Last updated